The Virtual Museum of Minerals and Molecules (section: Sources and Links) - "WWW-MINCRYST - Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals url: This site contains structural data culled from the literature for more than 2,000 separate mineral phases, a truly outstanding resource. The database may be searched by mineral name, composition, or other parameters. The database was put together by Dr. Anatoly Chichagov and Dmitry A. Varlamov, both of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. A truly outstanding collection of data. Thank you, we have used it extensively. "
First Automatic Formed Cross-Link to Information Cards of minerals provide exchange of information between MINCRYST and one of the best Mineralogical Databases (David Barthelmy), USA.
Institute of Experimental Mineralogy (IEM), Chernogolovka, (Moscow region), Russia: IEM Databases and Datasets (supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research). Go to: WWW-MINCRYST- Mineral's listing. Containing data on more than 6000 cards (2400 unique mineral and synthetic phases) plus data.
! Anatholy V. Chichagov, Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAN, Chernogolovka, Moscow region (project is supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research): WWW-MINCRYST (new revision, 2005). An information-calculating system on crystal structure data for minerals, containing data on more than 6600 cards (2560 unique mineral) plus data processing programs (including interactive graphic representation of structures).
ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING FOR ACADEMICS: GEOLOGY AND PHYSICS IN ... File format: Microsoft Word - As HTML ... Analogues (, includes 2585 items), the ⌠WWW-Mincryst■, part of the Russian Virtual Geoscience Network project. ...