Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

2, t-zircon


Tetragonal  I 4(1)/amd  Z = 4


24 .7 .14


         Eckhardt F.J., Heimbach W. (1963)

         * Z. Naturwisseschaften, 50, 612

         R: from Ma'ale Adumim, Hatrurim formation, West Bank, Palestine.

         The coordinates of atoms are from synthetic sample. N.A.D.

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   7.242    alpha =   90.0 
             b =   7.242    beta  =   90.0 
             c =   6.29     gamma =   90.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   329.89

    Molar volume ( =    49.68

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0    Ca    = 1.00
   2 0.0     0.0     0.5      0.0    Cr    = 1.00
   3 0.0     0.17    0.34     0.0    O     = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0        0.0        0.0   
     2       2     0.0        0.0        0.5   
     3       3     0.0        0.17       0.34  
     4       3     0.17       0.0        0.66  
     5       3     0.0        0.83       0.34  
     6       3     0.83       0.0        0.66  
     7       1     0.5        0.0        0.75  
     8       1     0.5        0.5        0.5   
     9       1     0.0        0.5        0.25  
    10       2     0.5        0.0        0.25  
    11       2     0.5        0.5        0.0   
    12       2     0.0        0.5        0.75  
    13       3     0.33       0.0        0.09  
    14       3     0.5        0.33       0.84  
    15       3     0.17       0.5        0.59  
    16       3     0.5        0.17       0.41  
    17       3     0.33       0.5        0.16  
    18       3     0.0        0.33       0.91  
    19       3     0.67       0.0        0.09  
    20       3     0.5        0.67       0.84  
    21       3     0.83       0.5        0.59  
    22       3     0.5        0.83       0.41  
    23       3     0.67       0.5        0.16  
    24       3     0.0        0.67       0.91  

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      3.14

MU (1/cm) =     417.613    Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =    132.938

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Ca                  2.88         8
                                                 2.4677       3
                                                 2.4677       3
                                                 2.4677       3
                                                 2.4677       3
                                                 2.456        3
                                                 2.456        3
                                                 2.456        3
                                                 2.456        3
    2    Cr                  2.628        4
                                                 1.5901       3
                                                 1.5901       3
                                                 1.5901       3
                                                 1.5901       3
    3    O                   3.264        8
                                                 2.6613       3
                                                 2.4623       3
                                                 2.6613       3
                                                 3.1145       3
                                                 3.1145       3
                                                 2.9425       3
                                                 3.1145       3
                                                 3.1145       3

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.54056(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   1   0   1  9.335  18.67    0.105   73.09    8       25.7      354.7
    2   2   0   0 12.282  24.564   0.138   41.32    4      172.0     4493.8
    3   2   1   1 15.516  31.032   0.174   25.15   16       39.0      562.7
    4   1   1   2 16.704  33.408   0.187   21.44    8      115.3     2094.4
    5   2   2   0 17.508  35.016   0.195   19.36    4       83.1      491.8
    6   2   0   2 18.93   37.859   0.211   16.31    8       61.1      447.3
    7   3   0   1 19.985  39.971   0.222   14.46    8       41.3      181.4
    8   1   0   3 22.487  44.974   0.248   11.1     8       30.1       73.7
    9   3   2   1 23.739  47.478   0.261    9.82   16       23.6       80.5
   10   3   1   2 24.587  49.174   0.27     9.07   16      122.5     2000.6
   11   4   0   0 25.179  50.358   0.276    8.59    4      133.6      563.7
   12   2   1   3 25.954  51.908   0.284    8.02   16        6.2        4.6
   13   4   1   1 27.086  54.171   0.296    7.27   16       26.8       76.6
   14   4   2   0 28.403  56.806   0.309    6.53    8       74.9      269.6
   15   3   0   3 29.118  58.236   0.316    6.17    8       13.0        7.7
   16   0   0   4 29.33   58.661   0.318    6.07    2       64.1       45.8
   17   4   0   2 29.401  58.801   0.319    6.04    8       40.3       72.0
   18   3   3   2 30.893  61.787   0.333    5.41    8      126.2      633.0
   19   3   2   3 32.078  64.156   0.345    4.98   16       39.1      111.8
   20   2   0   4 32.279  64.558   0.347    4.91    8       89.7      290.8
   21   4   2   2 32.345  64.691   0.347    4.89   16        2.8        0.6
   22   4   3   1 33.075  66.149   0.354    4.66   16       17.9       22.0
   23   5   0   1 33.075  66.149   0.354    4.66    8       16.7        9.5
   24   4   1   3 34.896  69.793   0.371    4.17   16        3.2        0.6
   25   2   2   4 35.089  70.178   0.373    4.12    8      111.3      375.8
   26   5   2   1 35.854  71.709   0.38     3.95   16       24.1       33.8
   27   3   1   4 36.456  72.912   0.386    3.83   16       29.1       47.5
   28   5   1   2 36.519  73.037   0.386    3.81   16       79.4      353.6
   29   4   4   0 36.99   73.981   0.391    3.72    4       68.9       64.9
   30   1   0   5 38.424  76.848   0.403    3.48    8       22.1       12.5
   31   6   0   0 39.656  79.312   0.414    3.3     4      133.3      215.6
   32   4   3   3 40.269  80.537   0.42     3.22   16       29.9       42.2
   33   5   0   3 40.269  80.537   0.42     3.22    8       19.5        9.0
   34   4   0   4 40.452  80.904   0.421    3.2     8       77.0      139.3
   35   2   1   5 41.062  82.124   0.426    3.13   16       10.5        5.1
   36   6   1   1 41.183  82.366   0.427    3.12   16       11.1        5.7
   37   5   3   2 41.821  83.642   0.433    3.05   16       87.6      344.7
   38   6   2   0 42.276  84.551   0.437    3.01    8       93.3      192.7
   39   5   2   3 42.881  85.762   0.442    2.96   16        2.1        0.2
   40   4   2   4 43.062  86.125   0.443    2.95   16       95.6      396.3
   41   6   0   2 43.123  86.245   0.444    2.94    8        0.2        0.0
   42   3   0   5 43.667  87.333   0.448    2.91    8       33.9       24.6
   43   5   4   1 43.787  87.574   0.449    2.9    16       19.3       15.8

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.54056 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   1   0   1   9.335  18.67   4.74887      354.7      7.9      7.9     5.6
    2   2   0   0  12.282  24.564  3.621       4493.8    100.0    100.0     5.6
    3   2   1   1  15.516  31.032  2.87944      562.7     12.5     12.5     5.6
    4   1   1   2  16.704  33.408  2.67994     2094.4     46.6     46.3     5.7
    5   2   2   0  17.508  35.016  2.56043      491.8     10.9     10.9     5.7
    6   2   0   2  18.93   37.859  2.37443      447.3     10.0      9.8     5.7
    7   3   0   1  19.985  39.971  2.25372      181.4      4.0      4.0     5.7
    8   1   0   3  22.487  44.974  2.01396       73.7      1.6      1.6     5.7
    9   3   2   1  23.739  47.478  1.91338       80.5      1.8      1.8     5.7
   10   3   1   2  24.587  49.174  1.85131     2000.6     44.5     43.5     5.7
   11   4   0   0  25.179  50.358  1.8105       563.7     12.5     12.2     5.8
   12   4   1   1  27.086  54.171  1.69172       76.6      1.7      1.7     5.8
   13   4   2   0  28.403  56.806  1.61936      269.6      6.0      5.8     5.8
   14   0   0   4  29.33   58.661  1.5725        45.8      1.0      1.0     5.8
   15   4   0   2  29.401  58.801  1.56908       72.0      1.6      1.5     5.8
   16   3   3   2  30.893  61.787  1.50023      633.0     14.1     13.5     5.8
   17   3   2   3  32.078  64.156  1.45042      111.8      2.5      2.4     5.9
   18   2   0   4  32.279  64.558  1.44236      290.8      6.5      6.2     5.9
   19   2   2   4  35.089  70.178  1.33997      375.8      8.4      7.9     5.9
   20   3   1   4  36.456  72.912  1.29632       47.5      1.1      1.0     6.0
   21   5   1   2  36.519  73.037  1.2944       353.6      7.9      7.4     6.0
   22   4   4   0  36.99   73.981  1.28022       64.9      1.4      1.4     6.0
   23   6   0   0  39.656  79.312  1.207        215.6      4.8      4.5     6.0
   24   4   3   3  40.269  80.537  1.1917        51.2      1.1      1.1     6.1
   25   4   0   4  40.452  80.904  1.18722      139.3      3.1      2.9     6.1
   26   5   3   2  41.821  83.642  1.15518      344.7      7.7      7.1     6.1
   27   6   2   0  42.276  84.551  1.14506      192.7      4.3      3.9     6.1
   28   4   2   4  43.062  86.125  1.12813      396.3      8.8      8.1     6.1

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)