Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

7, td-rutile, at 10.5 GPa


Orthorhombic  P nnm  Z = 2

R =0.0252          NR =519

20 .2 .20


         N. Curetti,  M. Merli,  S. Capella,  P. Benna,  A. Pavese (2019)

         * Phys. Chem. Minerals, 46, 987-1002

         R: Locality – Panasqueira Mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal.

         The structures of cassiterite at pressures up to 13.4 GPa.

         and phase transition at 10.25 GPa. N.A.D.

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   4.6579   alpha =   90.0 
             b =   4.647    beta  =   90.0 
             c =   3.1589   gamma =   90.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =    68.38

    Molar volume ( =    20.59

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0    Sn    = 1.00
   2 0.3059  0.3073  0.0      0.0    O     = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0        0.0        0.0   
     2       2     0.3059     0.3073     0.0   
     3       2     0.6941     0.6927     0.0   
     4       1     0.5        0.5        0.5   
     5       2     0.1941     0.8073     0.5   
     6       2     0.8059     0.1927     0.5   

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      7.32

MU (1/cm) =    1493.212    Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =    204.081

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Sn                  2.856        6
                                                 2.0173       2
                                                 2.0173       2
                                                 2.0283       2
                                                 2.0283       2
                                                 2.0283       2
                                                 2.0283       2
    2    O                   3.264       11
                                                 3.1589       2
                                                 3.1589       2
                                                 2.545        2
                                                 2.8574       2
                                                 2.8574       2
                                                 2.8574       2
                                                 2.8574       2
                                                 2.864        2
                                                 2.864        2
                                                 2.864        2
                                                 2.864        2

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.54056(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   1   1   0 13.541  27.082   0.152   33.64    4       89.3    22923.6
    2   1   0   1 17.135  34.271   0.191   20.29    4       73.4     9345.1
    3   0   1   1 17.148  34.297   0.191   20.25    4       73.2     9277.4
    4   2   0   0 19.314  38.628   0.215   15.6     2       62.1     2572.9
    5   0   2   0 19.361  38.722   0.215   15.51    2       62.3     2576.9
    6   1   1   1 19.759  39.517   0.219   14.83    8       18.8      896.5
    7   2   1   0 21.713  43.426   0.24    12.01    4       12.1      151.1
    8   1   2   0 21.745  43.49    0.24    11.97    4       12.4      157.5
    9   2   1   1 26.301  52.602   0.288    7.78    8       75.3     7540.1
   10   1   2   1 26.329  52.658   0.288    7.76    8       75.1     7480.1
   11   2   2   0 27.923  55.846   0.304    6.79    4       78.3     3562.5
   12   0   0   2 29.189  58.378   0.317    6.14    2       83.4     1825.8
   13   3   1   0 31.538  63.077   0.34     5.17    4       60.9     1640.4
   14   1   3   0 31.604  63.209   0.34     5.14    4       60.9     1632.2
   15   2   2   1 31.868  63.737   0.343    5.05    8        6.2       32.9
   16   1   1   2 32.751  65.501   0.351    4.76    8       66.0     3547.3
   17   3   0   1 33.559  67.119   0.359    4.52    4       75.5     2206.8
   18   0   3   1 33.631  67.262   0.36     4.5     4       75.6     2201.9
   19   3   1   1 35.248  70.496   0.375    4.09    8        6.1       25.9
   20   1   3   1 35.31   70.621   0.375    4.07    8        5.8       23.5
   21   2   0   2 36.105  72.209   0.382    3.9     4       51.6      886.4
   22   0   2   2 36.136  72.271   0.383    3.89    4       51.7      889.4
   23   3   2   0 36.633  73.265   0.387    3.79    4        4.1        5.5
   24   2   3   0 36.671  73.342   0.388    3.78    4        3.9        4.8
   25   2   1   2 37.744  75.488   0.397    3.59    8        7.5       34.1
   26   1   2   2 37.767  75.533   0.398    3.58    8        7.6       35.7
   27   3   2   1 40.135  80.269   0.418    3.24    8       50.7     1421.5
   28   2   3   1 40.172  80.344   0.419    3.23    8       50.4     1405.6
   29   4   0   0 41.413  82.826   0.429    3.09    2       59.2      464.2
   30   0   4   0 41.532  83.063   0.43     3.08    2       58.7      455.0
   31   2   2   2 42.541  85.082   0.439    2.99    8       62.9     2025.1
   32   4   1   0 42.995  85.99    0.443    2.95    4       10.1       25.7
   33   1   4   0 43.106  86.211   0.444    2.95    4       10.1       25.9
   34   3   3   0 44.622  89.245   0.456    2.85    4       63.3      977.5

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.54056 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   1   1   0  13.541  27.082  3.28977    22923.6    100.0    100.0     5.6
    2   1   0   1  17.135  34.271  2.61439    18622.5     81.2     80.7     5.7
    3   2   0   0  19.314  38.628  2.32895     2572.9     11.2     11.1     5.7
    4   0   2   0  19.361  38.722  2.3235      2576.9     11.2     11.1     5.7
    5   1   1   1  19.759  39.517  2.27854      896.5      3.9      3.9     5.7
    6   2   1   1  26.301  52.602  1.73844    15020.2     65.5     63.9     5.8
    7   2   2   0  27.923  55.846  1.64489     3562.5     15.5     15.1     5.8
    8   0   0   2  29.189  58.378  1.57945     1825.8      8.0      7.7     5.8
    9   3   1   0  31.538  63.077  1.47261     1640.4      7.2      6.9     5.9
   10   1   3   0  31.604  63.209  1.46985     1632.2      7.1      6.8     5.9
   11   1   1   2  32.751  65.501  1.42385     3547.3     15.5     14.8     5.9
   12   3   0   1  33.559  67.119  1.39342     2206.8      9.6      9.2     5.9
   13   0   3   1  33.631  67.262  1.39079     2201.9      9.6      9.2     5.9
   14   2   0   2  36.105  72.209  1.30719      886.4      3.9      3.7     5.9
   15   0   2   2  36.136  72.271  1.30623      889.4      3.9      3.7     5.9
   16   3   2   1  40.135  80.269  1.195       1421.5      6.2      5.8     6.0
   17   2   3   1  40.172  80.344  1.19408     1405.6      6.1      5.7     6.0
   18   4   0   0  41.413  82.826  1.16447      464.2      2.0      1.9     6.1
   19   0   4   0  41.532  83.063  1.16175      455.0      2.0      1.8     6.1
   20   2   2   2  42.541  85.082  1.13927     2025.1      8.8      8.1     6.1
   21   3   3   0  44.622  89.245  1.09659      977.5      4.3      3.9     6.2

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)