Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

1, t-bystromite, g-bystromite


Tetragonal  P 4(2)/mnm  Z = 2


18 .4 .1997


         Von Heidenstam O. (1968)

         * Ark. Kemi, 28, 375-387

Ref.Composition & Lattice:

         Povarennyh A. (1966)

         * Kristallohim. klassif. mineral. vidov (in russian), 247



                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   4.68     alpha =   90.0 
             b =   4.68     beta  =   90.0 
             c =   9.21     gamma =   90.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   201.72

    Molar volume ( =    60.75

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0    Mg    = 1.00
   2 0.0     0.0     0.3329   0.0    Sb    = 1.00
   3 0.303   0.303   0.0      0.0    O     = 1.00
   4 0.2986  0.2986  0.3298   0.0    O     = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0        0.0        0.0   
     2       2     0.0        0.0        0.3329
     3       3     0.303      0.303      0.0   
     4       4     0.2986     0.2986     0.3298
     5       3     0.697      0.697      0.0   
     6       4     0.7014     0.7014     0.3298
     7       1     0.5        0.5        0.5   
     8       2     0.5        0.5        0.8329
     9       3     0.197      0.803      0.5   
    10       4     0.2014     0.7986     0.8298
    11       3     0.803      0.197      0.5   
    12       4     0.7986     0.2014     0.8298
    13       2     0.0        0.0        0.6671
    14       4     0.2986     0.2986     0.6702
    15       4     0.7014     0.7014     0.6702
    16       2     0.5        0.5        0.1671
    17       4     0.2014     0.7986     0.1702
    18       4     0.7986     0.2014     0.1702

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      5.99

MU (1/cm) =    1618.9      Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =    270.378

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Mg                  2.52         6
                                                 2.0054       3
                                                 2.0054       3
                                                 2.0577       4
                                                 2.0577       4
                                                 2.0577       4
                                                 2.0577       4
    2    Sb                  2.712        6
                                                 1.9765       4
                                                 1.9765       4
                                                 2.0171       3
                                                 2.0171       3
                                                 2.0055       4
                                                 2.0055       4
    3    O                   3.264       11
                                                 3.0376       4
                                                 2.6077       3
                                                 2.8395       4
                                                 2.8733       4
                                                 2.8395       4
                                                 2.8733       4
                                                 3.0376       4
                                                 2.8395       4
                                                 2.8733       4
                                                 2.8395       4
                                                 2.8733       4
    4    O                   3.264       11
                                                 3.0376       3
                                                 2.6659       4
                                                 2.8733       3
                                                 2.8395       3
                                                 2.8733       3
                                                 2.8395       3
                                                 3.1351       4
                                                 2.8006       4
                                                 2.8006       4
                                                 2.8006       4
                                                 2.8006       4

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.78892(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   0   0   2 11.2    22.4     0.109   50.12    2       75.9     1418.2
    2   1   0   1 12.379  24.759   0.12    40.64    8       72.5     4199.1
    3   1   1   0 15.682  31.363   0.151   24.58    4      202.3     9890.0
    4   1   1   1 16.691  33.382   0.161   21.48    8        0.5        0.1
    5   1   1   2 19.441  38.883   0.186   15.37    8       66.3     1329.0
    6   1   0   3 20.392  40.785   0.195   13.82    8      161.5     7089.0
    7   2   0   0 22.473  44.946   0.214   11.12    4      125.4     1718.4
    8   0   0   4 22.86   45.719   0.217   10.7     2       58.0      177.0
    9   1   1   3 23.417  46.834   0.222   10.13    8       56.9      644.8
   10   2   1   0 25.301  50.601   0.239    8.5     8       33.4      186.7
   11   2   0   2 25.389  50.779   0.24     8.43    8       59.7      591.6
   12   2   1   1 25.993  51.986   0.245    7.99   16       59.7     1119.5
   13   2   1   2 27.998  55.995   0.262    6.75   16        0.1        0.0
   14   1   1   4 28.246  56.491   0.265    6.61    8       56.8      420.1
   15   2   1   3 31.147  62.294   0.289    5.31   16      171.9     6174.3
   16   1   0   5 31.456  62.913   0.292    5.2     8       57.8      341.8
   17   2   2   0 32.723  65.446   0.302    4.77    4      188.1     1659.1
   18   2   0   4 33.025  66.049   0.305    4.68    8       55.9      287.1
   19   2   2   1 33.315  66.629   0.307    4.59    8        1.0        0.1
   20   1   1   5 33.762  67.525   0.311    4.46    8        2.9        0.8
   21   2   2   2 35.059  70.118   0.321    4.13    8       56.7      260.8
   22   2   1   4 35.278  70.556   0.323    4.08   16        1.9        0.6
   23   3   0   1 35.559  71.118   0.325    4.02    8       52.6      218.8
   24   0   0   6 35.641  71.283   0.326    4.0     2      195.9      753.7
   25   3   1   0 37.185  74.369   0.338    3.69    8      137.4     1368.3
   26   3   1   1 37.744  75.489   0.342    3.59   16        0.7        0.1
   27   2   2   3 37.886  75.773   0.343    3.56    8       14.8       15.3
   28   3   1   2 39.408  78.815   0.355    3.33   16       52.9      367.0
   29   1   1   6 39.967  79.934   0.359    3.26    8      147.6     1396.4
   30   3   0   3 40.027  80.054   0.36     3.25    8      176.5     1991.7
   31   2   1   5 40.306  80.612   0.362    3.22   16       53.6      363.4
   32   2   2   4 41.735  83.47    0.372    3.06    8       49.0      144.6
   33   3   1   3 42.14   84.281   0.375    3.03   16       21.6       55.5
   34   3   2   0 43.559  87.119   0.385    2.91    8       13.0        9.6
   35   3   2   1 44.1    88.201   0.389    2.88   16       50.0      282.5
   36   2   0   6 44.179  88.357   0.39     2.87    8      107.6      653.8
   37   1   0   7 44.925  89.85    0.395    2.83    8       48.7      132.3

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.78892 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   0   0   2  11.2    22.4    4.605       1418.2     14.3     14.4     5.6
    2   1   0   1  12.379  24.759  4.17224     4199.1     42.5     42.7     5.6
    3   1   1   0  15.682  31.363  3.30926     9890.0    100.0    100.0     5.6
    4   1   1   2  19.441  38.883  2.68733     1329.0     13.4     13.3     5.7
    5   1   0   3  20.392  40.785  2.56698     7089.0     71.7     71.1     5.7
    6   2   0   0  22.473  44.946  2.34        1718.4     17.4     17.1     5.7
    7   0   0   4  22.86   45.719  2.3025       177.0      1.8      1.8     5.7
    8   1   1   3  23.417  46.834  2.25065      644.8      6.5      6.4     5.7
    9   2   1   0  25.301  50.601  2.09296      186.7      1.9      1.9     5.8
   10   2   0   2  25.389  50.779  2.08612      591.6      6.0      5.9     5.8
   11   2   1   1  25.993  51.986  2.04092     1119.5     11.3     11.1     5.8
   12   1   1   4  28.246  56.491  1.89003      420.1      4.2      4.1     5.8
   13   2   1   3  31.147  62.294  1.72932     6174.3     62.4     60.2     5.8
   14   1   0   5  31.456  62.913  1.71402      341.8      3.5      3.3     5.9
   15   2   2   0  32.723  65.446  1.65463     1659.1     16.8     16.1     5.9
   16   2   0   4  33.025  66.049  1.64121      287.1      2.9      2.8     5.9
   17   2   2   2  35.059  70.118  1.55716      260.8      2.6      2.5     5.9
   18   3   0   1  35.559  71.118  1.53809      218.8      2.2      2.1     5.9
   19   0   0   6  35.641  71.283  1.535        753.7      7.6      7.2     5.9
   20   3   1   0  37.185  74.369  1.47995     1368.3     13.8     13.1     6.0
   21   3   1   2  39.408  78.815  1.40897      367.0      3.7      3.5     6.0
   22   1   1   6  39.967  79.934  1.39249     1396.4     14.1     13.2     6.0
   23   3   0   3  40.027  80.054  1.39075     1991.7     20.1     18.8     6.0
   24   2   1   5  40.306  80.612  1.38275      363.4      3.7      3.4     6.1
   25   2   2   4  41.735  83.47   1.34367      144.6      1.5      1.4     6.1
   26   3   2   1  44.1    88.201  1.2853       282.5      2.9      2.6     6.2
   27   2   0   6  44.179  88.357  1.28349      653.8      6.6      6.0     6.2
   28   1   0   7  44.925  89.85   1.26661      132.3      1.3      1.2     6.2

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)